Hannah North_Dakota_Wheat Jacob

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Merry Christmas

Well, we are late getting ready for Christmas (though the tree was up the week after Thanksgiving). Hope all is well for everyone out there. We have been hanging on with Jacob going through the "terrible threes?" He has been talking all the time and is doing what we affectionately call "Jacob Hand Theater". He does dramatic play between a T-Rex (his left hand) and some other character (his right) and even seems to get a foot involved as well. Hannah continues the blossom (in first grade and dance), though still has to do it on her own as she is our third child and has to compete too much with the older ones for time from mom and dad (our confession). Elizabeth has been doing great in middle school, getting great grades without much input from us, and also just won fourth in the science fair (Congraduations!). And John is maturing in high school, playing in symphonic band, marching band, and doing well in AP classes (with some pushing from us … I hope he appreciates the nagging later). Michelle is hard at work at the Memorial Hermann Hospitals, and I am focusing on writing papers and running simulations.

High points for the year: My brothers graduation, visiting Adeline and family, Loma's and Debbie's visit here.

Low points for the year: 20% increase in my property taxes with no real increase in value, stress between John and me, heat not working again.

God continues to bless us in many ways and we are very thankful for Christ sacrifice for us, as undeserving as we are. May Jesus bless you and your family this Christmas season.

The Craft Family

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