Hannah North_Dakota_Wheat Jacob

Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Good Morning Jacob

As I was saying to Jacob, "I don't know what your thinking, but I know we are having a conversation!" Jacob definitely enjoys talking in the morning. I was originally hoping he would go back to sleep after Michelle fed him this morning because she was going in to work and I did not get much sleep the last few days. However, Jacob insisted that we sit down for a light discussion. I know that Jacob and Michelle have been talking a lot. His eyes and face brighten up as you go over the day's agenda. He is also in that stage were he is doing a broad range of system checks. Hay, that appendage is moving again, and these lips do pucker up! But some thing are clearly correlated. He recognized mom's and dad's voices and faces. He also is clearly smiling during our talks. This is not the gas induced grimace, but definitely a smile. In fact a couple of time over the last few days he has laughed. Now I know it is too early for him to get a joke, but each time it has happened has been while I have him laying along my side (On my tummy) and I have been laughing myself. The first couple of times it took me by surprised, "Surely not", I thought. But after a few repeat performances, I am convinced that Jacob must think that dad's voice/grumblings/laughter must be ticklish to his ears. There is something intangible about how a baby picks up on the "mood" of dad or mom. And that is a joy truly only appreciated until you are yourself a parent.
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Monday, November 22, 2004
More Baby Pics

Here are some more pictures of Jacob Andrew at three weeks of age. He has been a good eater and sleeps from 11:00 ish to 4:00 ish so we get some sleep. We have been supplimenting the breast feeding with a bottle at night so he sleeps longer. (It also puts dad on the hook to help too!)

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Sunday, November 21, 2004
Bush Day

All of our family got involved watching the returns from this year's presidential election. John Welch colored in the red map of the United States of America while the girls watched. As we now know, it was not as close as some expected. On the other hand the nation is still pretty evenly matched between the Republican leaning voters and the Democratic leaning voters. I am struck be how much of the voter balance is demographic. Basically, the large city centers went to Kerry, and the suburbs and country went to Bush. But unlike many places around the world were the politics between factions are nearly irreconcilable, America is bless in that many of the core values are common between the parties. This thesis statement may seem contradictory is an environment of gridlock in Congress but consider these observations. Almost all Americans support the national defense, environmental regulation, less obstruction to small business growth, a prescription drug benefit, continued management of the Social Security program, national standards for public schools, and equal opportunity irregardless of ethnicity, color, or religion. It was not very long ago that you would find some parties wanting to abolish this or that plan. Now debate has moved from whether we should implement these policies, to the degree and how to implement them. It is true that the far left and the far right still have too large of a voice. I also know that the war in Iraq is a very divisive issue, but I believe that we need to focus on executing the war so that a permanent democracy is established. I hope that people on both sides of the isle are able to work together and recognize their common interests and America will continue to be strong because of it.

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Halloween came so early this year. Anyway that is what it felt like. It was a drizzly night and because the time changed back to standard time the evening became dark an hour early. The kids got a modest haul and Jacob was too small to take out this year.

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